Where is Good Plastic Surgery Center and where is Bad Plastic Surgery Center

오전 12:41

Today I'm going to post about
1. What and Where is Good Plastic Surgery Center in Korea
2. What and Where is Bad Plastic Surgery Center in Korea
3. And Why?

This is commend could feel different from everyone since it will be based on my experience, research, and personal thoughts so please do excuse me if you disagree about this post. ( I did not mean to feel discomfort but this is how I felt)

-List of Bad Plastic Surgery Center in Korea-
1. Grand Plastic Surgery Center

- Huge Building
- Many Doctors
- Language Service
There were many things to say but they sent me a letter not to post it on but please do email i will tell you. "SCARY"

2. Wonjin Plastic Surgery Center

- Huge Building
- Many Doctors
- Language Service
- Slow respond
- Too many people have died due to plastic surgery
- Not safe
- Bad aftercare service
- High Possibility of Shadow Doctor(changing doctor)
- Too much of Advertisement

3. BK Plastic Surgery Center

- Huge Building
- Many Doctors
- Language Service
- Slow respond
- Too many people have died due to plastic surgery
- Not safe
- Bad aftercare service
- High Possibility of Shadow Doctor(changing doctor)
- Too much of Advertisement

4. April 31st Plastic Surgery Center

- No Shadow Doctor(changing doctor)
- Rhinoplasty specialist
- Good Service
- Too High Prices
- Rhinoplasty surgeon is good but he always asks rib cartilage for the primary rhinoplasty
- Too much of Advertisement
- Too much bullshit

5. ID Plastic Surgery Center

- Huge Building
- Many Doctors
- Language Service
- Slow respond
- Too many people have died due to plastic surgery
- Not safe
- Bad aftercare service
- High Possibility of Shadow Doctor(changing doctor)
- Too much of Advertisement

-List of Good Plastic Surgery Center in Korea-
1. JW Plastic Surgery Center

- Consultants were nice
- Fast respond
- Doctor speaks perfect English (can communicate with doctors straightly)
- Specialized surgeons in each field
- No Shadow doctors
- Natural results
- High Cost
- Maybe I went to busiest season, but it was super busy
- You will get faster respond with Katalk

2. JK Plastic Surgery Center

- Consultants were nice
- Doctor speaks English (can communicate with doctors straightly)
- No Shadow doctors
- High Cost
- Maybe I went to busiest season, but it was super busy

3. The Line Plastic Surgery Center

- Reasonable prices
- Consultants were nice
- Wasn't that busy
- Wasn't specialized
- I'm not sure that they are board certified doctor

5. Banobagi Plastic Surgery Center

- Nice consultant
- Speaks good English
- Nice building
- Decent Prices

- Too much of Advertisement
- Last "Let Me In" wasn't that great with the results

If you have any question about the Plastic Surgery in Korea
Please send me an email
via: aboutkoreanplasticsurgery@gmail.com
I will help you with truthful detailed info

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12 개의 댓글

  1. I am going to Wonjin to get jaw surgery, but after hearing all the stories about people who have died I am scared to get the surgery...should I still do it or should I not?

  2. Hi can u email me about grand plastic surgery center! msdezenna@gmail.com considering to do my eyes there:)

  3. Hi can u email me about grand plastic surgery center! msdezenna@gmail.com considering to do my eyes there:)

  4. Hi there! I was thinking to go to Wonjin for jaw surgery too. But after reading all this and doing some research about death cases happened, I got scared too. So far have you done your jawline surgery in Wonjin? Can you gimme some feedback please? Meomeo1193@gmail.com is my email. Please share with me your experience if you have done your surgery! Thank youuu! :)

  5. Hi there! I was thinking to go to Wonjin for jaw surgery too. But after reading all this and doing some research about death cases happened, I got scared too. So far have you done your jawline surgery in Wonjin? Can you gimme some feedback please? Meomeo1193@gmail.com is my email. Please share with me your experience if you have done your surgery! Thank youuu! :)

  6. I am considering double eyelid surgery. I was wondering if you got surgery at one of the places and what did you get? Which clinic did you choose in the end out of your rated places?

  7. Thanks a million for your useful posts<3 Is Banobagi really reliable?cuz in a more recent post it was on your blacklist.

  8. Phuong Anh Tieu


  9. This blog is ran by a plastic surgery troll that many people in other beauty communities and workers at clinics have labeled as psychologically disturbed and emotionally disruptive patient.

    Her name is not Jessica Suen, it really is:

    Phuong Anh Tieu or Katherine


    2/46 Moondine Drive
    Perth, Western Australia

    Phone +61 420495174

    Read more about her here:


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  11. It would have been better if you elaborate your points instead of writing two words per line;
    1. Too many people have died due to plastic surgery- stats/ sources?
    2. Not safe- in what way? If they weren’t ‘safe’, they would have shut down or been sued(correlates with the deaths you claim), it would have made headlines domestically and internationally considering SK is known for PS Clinics.
    3. Too much bullshit- make a constructive criticism to increase your statement credibility. What do you mean by bullshit?


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